Vaccination for 18-44 age group will resume in East Khasi Hills on June 11
The District Task Force on Vaccination, East Khasi Hills convened a meeting today to finalise arrangements for the vaccination drive for 18+ category. Vaccination for 18-44 age group will resume in East Khasi Hills on 11th June 2021. 11,820 vaccination slots have been made available through online booking for 11th to 19th June, 2021, in thirteen Covid Vaccination Centres in Shillong Urban Agglomeration. 11,820 slots have been made available through online booking.
Further, for Shillong Urban Agglomeration, 20 health facilities will be conducting vaccination in 37 Community Session Sites for 18+ age group of those concerned localities on 11th and 12th June 2021, with the close involvement of the local headmen, Welfare Committees and CCMTs. A total of 6000 doses is targeted for these two days in these centres identified by the Health Department. The Task Force in its meeting stressed on the need to encourage heads of families/ primary breadwinners, co-morbid persons, single-parents, mobile wage-earners, etc., to come forward for vaccination. It was also emphasized that all willing persons will get a chance to be vaccinated, since vaccine stocks will be replenished on a regular basis, and vaccination drives will be continuing throughout the district. The Incident Commanders, Medical Officers and the local authorities have been entrusted with ensuring a smooth vaccination process and proper queue management, etc., in strict compliance to health protocols. The vaccination drive through Community Session Sites will aim to cover all areas of Shillong city in the coming days and weeks, to ensure convenience to residents, and prevent inter-locality movement during period of restrictions.
Special drives will also be conducted for various occupational groups who are high-risk like PDS functionaries, delivery personnel, shopkeepers, street vendors, etc. The District Immunization Officer informed that special drives have been completed at the District Jail, SAN-KER and will be completed soon at MIMHANS. Persons without IDs like domestic workers, inmates of old age homes and homeless people will also be targeted through a special process of identification for which dedicated sessions will be arranged for them.
In the rural areas under C&RD Blocks, 35 session sites will be carried out, aimed forboth 18+ and 45+ population.
The District Task Force also commended the superb performance of the vaccinating nurses and staff of East Khasi Hills, who have ensured zero wastage of vaccine doses for both 45+ and 18 – 44 categories.

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