Traffic Arrangement for 6th Meghalaya Games in West Jaintia Hills District

In view of the Meghalaya Games to be held from January 19 to 25 in Jowai and adjoining areas, the Meghalaya Police have made several traffic arrangements to ensure a smooth flow of traffic in the district.
According to a press release issued on Friday, on January 19, there will be an arrival of the athletes/participants who will be received at 4th Mile. They will then proceed to Mihmyntdu, Kiang Nangbah College, Jowai Polytechnic, Salaroh Road, Pohhali, Dulong, Kdoh Hati, Iongpiah, Mission Compound, Chutwakhu, Jrisalein Junction, and culminate at Mynthong. There will be no entry from 9:00 AM onwards from Lumkyrwiang Junction towards Iongpiah Junction and Kdoh Hati junction.
Police informed that no parking will be allowed on the roadside during the travelling of the athletes.
Residents of the Mynthong area and others are requested to avoid unnecessary movement of vehicles during the programme except in emergency cases.
The Opening Ceremony of the 6th Meghalaya Games will be held at Wahiajer Stadium on January 21. There will be no entry for heavy vehicles from Ummulong towards Wahiajer Stadium and vice versa from 8:00 AM onwards. Additionally, no roadside parking will be allowed during the programme.
Headmen of the respective localities and the general public are humbly requested to cooperate with the above arrangements.

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