Topcem cement declared as Micro Containment Zone

The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hill District, FM Dopth has declared Topcem Cement as Micro Containment Zone to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the district.
The order prohibited unregulated entry and exit movement on site with the following measures for due compliance by the public, employers and employees of the Meghalaya Cement Limited with effect from Midnight of the 9th of August, 2020 to 6:00 AM of the 13th of August, 2020 in the interest and safety of public, employers and employees to complete contact tracing of high risk contacts and low risk contacts as well as to contain any transmission of COVID-19.
The order was issued in view of the detection of COVID-19 positive at Meghalaya Cement Limited complex (Topcemcement) Chiehruphi/Thangskai village and it was also reported that the said index case has breached the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine protocol as per Government guideline as he travelled while he is still under Home quarantine and come in contact with some other persons within the said cement plant etc.
The Health and Family Welfare Department has requested to declare the Meghalaya cement Limited complex (Topcem cement) Chiehruphi/Thangskai as a micro containment area to enable the contact tracing to be done to those who have in contact with the index case and to conduct Antigen test/RTPCR Test to all High Risk contacts as well to the Low Risk contacts.
The order also stated that, detection of positive COVID-19 cases at Meghalaya Cement Limited complex (Topcem cement) with recent travel history from other parts of the District, other Districts of State, vulnerable and affected areas require aggressive contact tracing, quarantine, testing and isolation as well as containment in the interest of health of the general public against any possible spread of COVID-19.
No person/public shall be allowed to move into the micro-containment area namely Meghalaya Cement Limited complex (Topcem cement) and inhabitants within the micro-containment area shall not move out, all inhabitants within the micro-containment area shall strictly remain inside their homes.
No gathering, events, functions whatsoever of any nature and firm will be allowed and no social, Political, Religious, Economic activities are allowed.
Additionally, all shopping establishments of whatsoever nature shall be closed and ensured for compliance through various teams formed by the District Administration.
However, exemption is granted for the Officials of the office of the Deputy Commissioner, East Jaintia Hills District including Medical and Health Officers, District tracing team, Medical Officers and Medical Front Line Workers on duty to the cement plant. The Police Officials of the office of Superintendent of Police, East Jaintia Hills District and Police personnel for enforcement of the order are also exempted.
The District Magistrate also informed that the Block Development Officer, Khliehriat Block/ Incident Commander of (Executive Magistrate i/c Khliehriat PHC) will be the Supervising Officer of the Containment areas under this supervision of the Addl. Deputy Commissioners, East Jaintia Hills District.
He also stated that any violations of this order shall entail prosecution under the penal provision of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and relevant provisions of the IPC.
This order shall come with immediate effect from today the 9th August, 2020 until further orders.

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