Samlin Malngiang lays foundation stone for Greater Laitkor Water Supply Scheme

Public Health Engineering (PHE) Minister, Samlin Malngiang on Monday laid the foundation stone for the Greater Laitkor Water Supply Scheme (GLWSS).
The function was held at Laitkor Pyllun community hall in the presence of local MLA and chairman of the state planning board, Lambor Malngiang, officials of the department, headman and members of the Dorbar Shnong and the Village Water And Sanitation Committee.
Sanctioned in the month of July 2020 at an estimated cost of Rs.28.99 crore, the Greater Laitkor Water Supply Scheme will cover the villages of Laitkor Lumheh, Laitkor Rngi, Laitkor Nongdaneng and Laitkor Mawri. The scheme is set to benefit 2500 households covering 15,000 inhabitants with safe drinking water. The scheme is aimed to be completed within two years from the date of commencement.
Addressing the gathering, Samlin Malngiang lauded the tireless efforts of the local MLA and MDC in ensuring that the said scheme saw the light of day. He also informed that since 2017, a total of Rs.453 crore have been sanctioned under different Central and State schemes for the implementation of a number of developmental projects in the State through the PHE Department. With regard to the Jal Jeevan Mission, a Central government initiative which aims to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024,Malngiang said that the target of the State Government is to complete at least half of the targeted 2,04,000 household within the year 2020. He also informed that work on the improvement of the Mawkma-Laitryngew Water Supply Scheme and Mawphlang-Mawngap-Marbisu Water Supply scheme sanctioned at a cost of Rs.10 crore and Rs.30 crore respectively has commenced and will be completed soon.
Lambor Malngiang while speaking on the occasion expressed gratitude to all the landowners for voluntarily donating their lands for the implementation of the water supply scheme. He also added that in spite of the financial crisis, he was glad that the Government has been able to sanction the scheme which will go a long way in addressing the water scarcity problem faced by the people of Laitkor Pyllun for a very long time.
On the occasion, a Resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the Laitkor Dorbar Pyllun and the Village Water and Sanitation Committee with regard to the smooth implementation of the scheme, was handed over the local MLA and MDC and to the Additional Chief Engineer of the PHE Department.

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