Relevant measures to stop the spread of African Swine Fever

The Deputy Commissioner, West Jaintia Hills District has issued relevant measures to curb the spread of African Swine Fever (AFS) in the district.
The diseases first reported from Amlarem Sub Division and recently it has spread to Shangpung village under Laskein C&RD Block affecting domestic pigs.
The Deputy Commissioner in his order issued on Tuesday said that in view of the death of pigs at Shangpung Moosyiem, West Jaintia Hills District, due to suspected cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) and in order to prevent the spread of this highly contagious diseases to other villages which have been reported positive/suspected cases of African Swine Fever, the following measures are taken up with immediate effect and until further orders.
Bio-containment measures:
- Ban on transportation of pigs from and into infected zone (1 KM radius from the infected premises).
- The Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) of the Veterinary Department shall immediately clean and disinfect the affected pig shed and premises.
- Dead pigs/carcasses, pork products, feed, swill, litter and slurry in infected zones should be disposed of by deep burial only with sufficient lime cover under the supervision of RRTs.
- Management and control of wild pigs by concerned Divisional Forest Officer, Wildlife Division.
- Ban on pig slaughtering and sale of pork meat in the infected zones (1 KM radius from the infected premises).
Biosecurity measures:
- Ban on inter-State and Inter-District movement of pigs.
- The pig farm owners shall maintain hygiene and bio-secured conditions at all times and restrict the entry of personnel into farm premises.
- Pig owners should take preventive measures to transmission of diseases from wild boar, scavenging and stray pigs.
- There shall be prohibition of movement of pig handlers from one pig shed to other pig shed.
- Movement of vehicles from infected zones shall be allowed only after proper cleaning and disinfection.
- Feeding of swill (kitchen and restaurant waste) in infected zones should be stopped by the pig farm owners.
- Waste from slaughterhouses and pork stalls has to be disposed of properly after following all standard protocol including disinfection and burial in diseases free zones.
Preventive Measures:
- All stakeholders viz, pig rearers, pork vendors, slaughter houses should be sensitized and educated about ASF by RRTs.
- The District A.H & veterinary Officers shall nominate Veterinary Officers to the village level COVID Management Committee to initiate similar measures to contain ASF in villages with ASF positive cases.
- RRTs shall distribute information brochures on ASF to all the stakeholders.
- The concerned stakeholders can contact helpline numbers circulated by District A.H & Veterinary Department.

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