Oaken Gold factory declared as Micro Containment Zone

Ri Bhoi District Magistrate, RM Kurbah has declared Oaken Gold Factory, 8th Mile, Baridua as Micro Containment Zone for detecting high risk contacts as to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the district.
The order prohibited unregulated entry and exit movement in the affected areas from August 7, 2020 to August 10, 2020.
The order was issued in view of the increased detection of COVID-19 positive patients in Ri Bhoi District, Meghalaya and in the interest of public safety and to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 virus in the said area.
“It has become necessary to contain the disease within a defined geographic area by early detection, breaking the chain of transmissions and thus preventing its spread to new areas. And also to enable the Health & Family Welfare Department to trace the contacts and active search for cases through physical house- to- house surveillance by special teams,” the order said
The order states that no person/public shall be allowed to move into the Micro Containment Zone and inhabitants within the Micro Containment Zone shall not move out, except for medical emergencies and essential goods and services.
No gathering, event, function whatsoever of any nature and forms shall be allowed.
All Shopping establishments of whatsoever nature shall be closed immediately.
Any unauthorized entry and exit into the notified “Micro Containment Zone’ is barred till the area is declared safe as per guideline of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
If anyone found violating the Containment Order he/she shall entail prosecution under the penal provision of Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 read with section 188 IPC.
For those Manufacturing Units of essential commodities, separate permission should be obtained from the office of the Undersigned.
In addition, the District Magistrate had instructed the public to strictly maintain social distancing of atleast 6 feet.
Advocacy on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, environmental sanitation and wearing masks/face-cover.

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