NEHU-VC inaugurates first of its kind auto-book sanitizing machine
North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Vice Chancellor, Prof SK Srivastava on Wednesday inaugurated the first of its kind Auto Book Sanitizing Composite Machine, a novel device and a marvel invention by a team, at a function held at the campus.
Addressing the occasion, Prof Srivastava acknowledged the talent and hard work put in by the NEHU team in bringing out this innovative product for the University Library.
Prof Srivastava also lauded this timely intervention of the indigenous technology to generate safety measures to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic for a societal benefit at large.
He quoted the development of such a sanitizing machine as a fantastic fusion of Library, a place to provide knowledge and the School of Technology, the place to convert that knowledge into the means for social benefit.
Prof Srivastava introduced the idea of christening the product by the acronym, “ABSCoM”.
Other dignitaries and the invited guests who spoke in the function include Prof. H.Lamin, PVC, NEHU Shillong Campus, Dr. J.N.Nayak, Registrar, L.M.K.Lyngrah, Finance Officer and Prof. D.Walia, CEO, Incubation Centre, NEHU.

Dr Aseem Sinha, one of the members of the product development team presented the overview of the project followed by the live demonstration of the machine by Vinayak Majhi and Ashik K. Baruah. Dr. Sudip Paul delivered vote of thanks in the function.
This sanitizing machine functions in an auto-controlled mode to sanitize all kinds of reading materials without causing any kind of damage to the material.
Dr FR Sumer, Librarian In-charge, NEHU, stated that such a device was felt necessary, about two months ago to manage the handling of the books and other reading materials, while in circulation among the students and other users, especially in the post lock down situation.
The sole objective behind such thought is to keep a facility ready for a Covid-19-free environment in the University Library for a safe use of the books under circulation.
The Book Sanitizing machine is an innovative product translated from a thought to reality and invented by a team of the innovators and product developers from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Basic Sciences & Social Sciences, NEHU, viz., Vinayak Majhi, Ashit K. Baruah, Richman Kharwanniang, Dr. Aseem Sinha and Dr. Sudip Paul in collaboration with Dr FR Sumer, JP Nongbri and BJD Wahlang from the Central Library of the University.

The project was sanctioned by the Incubation Centre of the University and the said product was made ready along with its testing in a short period (nearly two and half months) particularly against extreme odds and challenges due to the pandemic situation, during the months of May to July this year. Training was imparted to the Library staff to operate the machine.
ABSCoM is a safe and user friendly, cost-effective device, indigenously developed with a capacity to sanitize up to odd 150 books one cycle of about 45 minutes at a recurring cost of Paise 20-30 per book.

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