Need for comprehensive dictionary of Khasi languages underlined
The 41st foundation day anniversary of Khasi Authors’ Society was observed on September 11, at the Arts and Culture Hall, State Central Library. The small but impressive occasion was graced by A L Hek, Minister, Arts and Culture etc., as chief guest and Chief Executive Member, Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council T Chyne as the guest of honour.
In his address, A L Hek reminded the Khasi authors about the standardisation of Khasi words for every literature, in order to avoid any confusion from the aspiring students and conflict among the scholars. He acknowledged the role of his officials in the department for providing an office space for the Khasi Authors’ Society at the State Central Library complex.
T Chyne emphasised on the need for a comprehensive dictionary in Khasi and announced the support of the Council towards the project initiated by the Khasi Authors’ Society.
It has become a tradition in the Khasi Authors’ Society that the book release is always held every year and this year three books were released by both the dignitaries along with Mr W Nongsiej, Director of Arts and Culture. The books are ‘Ki Sur Mieng Ka Ri Umsnam’ by Andreas Sun, a quiz book ‘Ka Jingkyntip na Kotbah’ by Hamles Mylliemumlong and two books by Kitbor W Nongrum, ‘Ki Khun Samla, Ki Longkmie Longkpa’ and ‘Ka Sor Shillong’. The keynote address was delivered by Dr D R L Nonglait, President, Khasi Authors’ Society, poetry recitation by Andreas Sun and folk song performed by veteran folk singer, Mr Chosterfield Khongwir.

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