Meghalaya: Regular class activities for Schools, Colleges will continue to remain closed

In pursuance to the Government of India Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A), dated 29th August 2020 of the Ministry of Home Affairs and in compliance to its direction on reopening more activities in areas outside the Containment Zones, the undersigned hereby directs the following guidelines specifically pertaining to re-opening of schools:
1. Regular class activities for Schools, colleges, educational will continue to remain closed until further orders. However, the following activities will be permitted:
i. Schools will be permitted to open for activities, such as teacher-student counseling, clearing doubts, addressing hard spots, sharing unit/lesson plans, assignments, submission of works, student assessment programme etc.
ii. All schools are to prepare a Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) to ensure all students are learning.
iii. Online/distance learning shall continue to be permitted and encouraged
iv. All schools to develop a 50% attendance schedule/roster duty of teaching and non-teaching staff.
v. Only students of classes 9 to 12 are permitted to visit their schools, in areas outside the containment zone only, on voluntary basis for taking guidance from their teachers. This will be subject to written consent of their parents/guardians and will be permitted with effect from 21st September 2020 and mandatory compliance to the SOP notified at para 2 of this notification.
vi. Elementary school teachers are to attend schools as per their Roster duty chart developed by the school for compulsory transaction of daily/weekly lessons and submission of assignments/lesson plans/worksheet/etc., accordingly via online or through parental distribution at the school campus.
vii. Schools are to develop their individual micro planning relating to flexibility in school timings, scheduling of students visit and uniform code,
viii. Schools are advised to ensure short duration visit of students.
ix. The adjusted academic calendar is uploaded in the education department website ( and also at the MBOSE website (
x. School buses if utilized will be exempted from odd / even rule.
2. The Generic preventive measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed are:
1. Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as feasible.
2. Use of face covers/masks to be made mandatory.
3. Frequent hand washing with soap and use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
4. Respiratory etiquettes like covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow to be followed.
5. Prior to resumption of activities, all work areas intended for teaching/demonstrations etc., shall be sanitized with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
6. The school should display State helpline numbers and also numbers of local health authorities etc. to teachers /students / employees to contact in case of any emergency.
7. Appropriate backup stock of personal protection items like face covers/masks, visors, hand sanitizers etc. shall be made available by management to the teachers and students.
8. Ensure availability of sufficient covered dustbins and trash cans.
9. Housekeeping employee to be informed & trained about norms for waste management & disposal.
10. Entrance to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) and thermal screening provisions. Multiple gates/separate gates, if feasible, should be used for entry and exit.
11. Posters/standees on preventive measures about COVID-19 to be displayed prominently.
12. Proper crowd management should be followed and entry of visitors should be strictly regulated/restricted.
13. Sharing of items like notebook, pens/pencil, eraser, water bottle, etc. amongst students should not be allowed.
14. Regular Cleaning and disinfection (using 1% sodium hypochlorite) of frequently touched surfaces. Provision of soap in toilets and hand sanitizers in other common areas in sufficient quantity must be ensured.
15. Teaching materials, computers, laptops, printers, shall be disinfected with 70% alcohol/wipes.
16. Students should not be involved in any of the cleaning activities for health safety reasons.
17. Sensitize students, parents, teachers and employees to create awareness on COVID appropriate behavior, as detailed under generic measures above.
18. If a student, teacher or employee is sick, they should not come to the school and follow necessary protocols in this regard.
19. Parents will be solely responsible to maintain students’ hygiene (uniform, tiffin, bags, etc.)
This notification shall come into force with immediate effect till further order.
D. P. Wahlang, IAS
Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya,
Education Department

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