Meghalaya Police reserved 10 % of existing vacancies for women & 1100 plus posts each reserved for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively

The Meghalaya Police announced the reservation of 10% of existing vacancies for women candidates vide Meghalaya Police (Amendment) Act, 2018 except for posts which are specifically indicated only for male.
The announcement was incorporated in the job vacancy advertisement released by the Central Recruitment Board of the Meghalaya Police on Wednesday where they invited online applications from eligible Indian citizens for filling up 76 posts of unarmed branch (UB) sub inspectors, 720 UB constables, 195 fireman (male), 53 driver fireman (male), 26 fireman mechanic/mechanic (male), 205 MPRO operator and 56 Signal/Battalion operator, 1494 armed branch constable/BN constable/MPRO GD constable/constable handyman and 143 driver constable (male).
The Central Recruitment Board informed that the Police Department will abide with the reservation policy of the state which is 40% for Khasi/Jaintia Candidates, 40% for Garo Candidates, 5% for Other Tribes of Meghalaya and Scheduled caste and for Open Category for all candidates irrespective of Tribe/Castes and reference to P & AR (B) Deptt. O.M No. PER(AR)25/2022/Pt/23 dated 14th June, 2023. According to the advertisement, out of 2968 vacant posts, 1187 is for Khasi Jaintia, 1188 for Garo, 445 for unreserved and 148 for other ST/SC.
Out of 76 posts of unarmed branch (UB) sub inspectors, 4 seats are unreserved while 30 seats for Khasi Jaintia and 31 seats for Garo and remaining 3 for other ST/SC while out of 720 UBC, 108 is unreserved, 288 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively and 36 for other ST/SC. Out of 195 fireman (male), 29 is unreserved, 78 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively and 10 for other SC/ST and out of 53 driver fireman (male), 8 is unreserved, 21 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively.
The breakup of reservation for 26 fireman mechanic/mechanic (male) is 3 unreserved, 11 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively and one for other ST/SC whereas for 205 MPRO operator, 31 is unreserved, 82 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively and ten for other ST/SC. Further for Signal/BN operator, 9 is unreserved 22 each for Khasi Jaintia and Garo respectively and 3 for other ST/SC. Out of 1494-armed branch constable/BN constable/MPRO GD constable/constable handyman and 143 driver constables (male), 224 is unreserved, 597 for Khasi Jaintia and, 598 for Garo . and 75 for other ST/SC while out of 143 driver constables, 21 for unreserved, 58 for Khasi Jaintia and 57 for Garp and 7 for other ST/SC.
The applications must be submitted online through the Meghalaya Police website and no other forms of application will be entertained and it will be open for online submission from 1st April, 2024 till 30 April 2024. The Application fee for each post shall be Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty) which should be paid through the payment gateway, which will be indicated accordingly.
The entire recruitment process will be conducted as per the Revised Uniform Guidelines for Recruitment of Police Personnel in Meghalaya Police vide OM No. HPL.231/2023/60 dated Shillong, the 1st December, 2023.
The qualification for UBSI is Bachelor Degree in any stream with age limit of 21-27 years while for UB Constable, Fireman, Driver Fireman, MPRO Operator, Signal Operator/ Fireman Mechanic, Mechanic is 10+2 passed with the age limit of 18 to 21 years while for armed branch constable, battalion constable, driver constable/handyman constable is Class IX passed with age limit of 18 to 21 years.

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