Meghalaya launches 100-Day TB Elimination Campaign

The Government of Meghalaya has launched the 100 Days TB Elimination Campaign on 7th December 2024. The campaign will conclude on 24th March, 2025. During this campaign, health camps will be organized in different places of the district. In these camps, TB will be tested and chest X-rays will be done, if necessary.
The chances of getting TB increases for individuals who have had TB in the last five years (or) are in close contact with TB patients (or) are aged 60 years or above (or) are malnourished (or) are current or former smokers (or) are diabetic.
The Mission Director, NHM, Meghalaya has requested anyone who falls on the above risk category or anyone who have symptoms such as persistent cough with mucus, chest pain, weight loss, blood in sputum, fever or night sweats to get themselves tested for TB immediately. The complete course of treatment for TB is available at the nearest health centers.

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