Meghalaya: Families refuse to undergo COVID-19 test, residence declared containment area

The District Magistrate, East Khasi Hills District in an Order issued has declared the entire residence of Smti Jngun Marbaniang located at Mawpat Circle-III as a containment area so as to restrict unregulated entry and exit on the site.
The Order is necessitated in view of the reports received from the Incident Commander, Zone-V that the immediate family members (seven high risk primary contacts) of a COVID-19 positive deceased who expired on 10th September, 2020 and who reside at Mawpat Circle-III have refused to undergo testing for COVID-19 and it was reported that the Medical Officer in-charge has instructed the family members to undergo COVID-19 testing, and concerted efforts have been made by all concerned including the local Dorbar Shnong to sensitize and convince the family to undergo testing.
Further, it was understood that the family members are not willing to accept that the deceased person was a COVID-19 positive and in view of the outright refusal, without which the COVID status of the family members is unknown, there is every apprehension that it could lead to spreading of infection and amount to endangering the health of the public at large, if the family members are able to move freely.
Therefore, it is deemed necessary to declare the entire residence as containment area till such time as the Medical Officer in-charge opines that the probable/suspect of COVID-19 positive cases in the household have recovered or are no longer a risk or till the said persons undergo testing and this would also enable the Medical Officer-in-charge to closely monitor the health of the said high-risk primary contacts including in the event of any of them developing symptoms.
The Order also stated no persons are allowed to move into the containment area and inhabitants within this area shall not move out, besides all inhabitants within the containment area shall strictly remain inside their home.
The Incident Commander, Zone-V, Shillong shall supervise and monitor strict compliance of the order.
Any violation of the order will entail prosecution under the penal provision of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and IPC.

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