Meghalaya Cabinet approves school service rules, forensic lab rules

The state Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Meghalaya School Service Rules, 2025.
Addressing media persons, chief minister Conrad K Sangma said, “This basically has been done because in the past service rules, there was a very less scope for promotion when it comes to the LP school teachers and assistant teachers and they would be stucked in certain positions for many years and there are limited scope for promotion, which created a bit of conflicts between different sections in the education department and hence after deep consultations with the different associations, the education department has today amended the rules and this is going to pave way for a better scope of promotion when it comes to LP school teachers.”
Further, the CM informed that the cabinet has also approved the proposal of framing of state rules to regulate the payment of analysis fees for examination of various cases of exihibits, articles in the directorate of forensic science under home department.
“This is done because many a times the fact that we have the forensic lab right now the state-of-the-art, we are getting requests from different agencies, some government, some private as well as other states but we don’t have a system to actually classify these requests as well as to charge them as per the fees that is required,” he said while adding “We have today just cleared on the basis of the proposal that have come in to have classifications for agencies that of government of Meghalaya. There is class A (which includes government of Meghalaya), B (includes agencies in Meghalaya but not under the administration of the government of Meghalaya), C (includes agencies not under the territorial jurisdiction or administration of Meghalaya) and D (shall include all agencies).”
“This is just a continuation and smooth lining of the entire working process of the forensic science under the home police department,” he added.

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