MeECL JAC protest limited to wearing black flag

First day of protest by wearing black badges by MeECL Joint Action Committee (JAC). The JAC comprising the MeECL Engineers Association (MEA), the Association of Power Engineers (APOE) and the MeECL Accounts Association (MAA), in honor of the Government for having taken cognizance of the issues raised by it. The committee decided to scale down the state wide agitation by suspending the activities of raising banners, placards and black flags and sloganeering planned for four days from the 25 to 28 of August 2020, and limiting the same to wearing of black badges only, on the 27 and 28 of August, as a mark of protest against the policies of the Management.
M. F. Mawlieh General Secretary MEA, “informed that the Resolution of the General Body of the JAC for posting of a full time CMD to be held by a senior most IAS officer has been pursued with Government. Since the Cabinet has taken cognizance of the issues raised by the JAC and have decided to restructure the Management in MeECL, it is felt appropriate to give the Power Department sometime to implement the cabinet resolution”.

“As a gesture of goodwill, the JAC will scale down the protest from 4(four) days to 2(two) days, the (2) two days being the protest to express our discontentment to the Administration primarily due to the adamant attitude of the MeECL Management in neither taking any step nor given any intimation regarding the issues raised by the JAC and MEA. The scaled down protest will be demonstrated by wearing black badges in Offices, Power Stations and Substations during office hours on 27th and 28th August 2020, without causing any dislocation of works” conclude the press statement.

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