MCC prohibits Meghalaya Ministers from using ML-01 vehicles for campaigning or announcing schemes and foundation stones

The District Council Affairs Department, Meghalaya has notified the Model Code of Conduct on Monday prohibiting the use of Government Vehicles (ML-01 or vehicles inscribed with Government of Meghalaya) or JHADC/KHADC vehicles for election campaign by persons at the helm of affairs.
According to the Model Code of Conduct or the MCC, the Cabinet Ministers and political appointees of the State Government, Chief Executive Members, Chairman, Vice Chairman and Executive Members of the Autonomous District Councils shall not combine their official visit with electioneering work and shall not also make use of official machinery or personnel during the electioneering work.
The use of State Government vehicles and Autonomous District Council’s official vehicles by contesting candidates is strictly prohibited till the election process is over while Government and Autonomous District Council’s transport including official vehicles, machinery and personnel shall not be used for furtherance of the interest of the party in power.
The MCC stipulated public places such as playgrounds etc., for holding election meetings in connection with elections shall not be monopolized by itself. Other parties and candidates shall be allowed the use of such places and facilities on the same terms and conditions on which they are used by the party in power. The issue of advertisement at the cost of public exchequer in the newspapers and other media and the misuse of official mass media shall be scrupulously avoided.
Moreover, as per the MCC Ministers/MLAS/CEMS/EMS/MDCs and other authorities shall not announce any financial grants in any form or promises or lay foundation stones etc. of projects or schemes of any kind or make any promise of construction of roads, provision of drinking water facilities etc which may have the effect influencing the voters in favour of the party in power
According to the MCC, no work under the fund placed with the concerned District Council(s) from Central/State Government for which the work order had been issued but the work has actually not started in the field before the date of issue of the notification should be started. Such work(s) can be started after the completion of the election process however, if the work has actually started, this can continue.
Any ceremonies for laying of foundation stones or inauguration or announcement of any new schemes by the Autonomous District Councils should be kept on hold till the election process is over and announcement of any new schemes to be implemented by the concerned Autonomous District Council(s) or award of any contract, settlement of any agreement with any party (ies) etc. shall be kept on hold till the completion of the Election process.
The issue of tender works and construction of ongoing project from Central/State sponsored schemes/programmes by the State Government are exempted under the purview of this model code of conduct, except issue of fresh release of funds under the MLAs local area development fund and MPs local area development fund
According to the MCC, Cabinet Ministers, and other authorities of the State Government, MLAs and Chief Executive Members/ Executive Members and other authorities of the concerned Autonomous District Council(s) shall not sanction grants/payments out of discretionary funds till the completion of MDC election. Further, carrying of cash money in excess of Rs.50, 000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only by contesting candidate or their supporters is prohibited and shall be confiscated.

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