Maintenance work to affect power in Garo Hills

The Executive Engineer, Transmission & Transformation Division, MePTCL, Tura has informed that due to Preventive Maintenance activities at Lines and Substation, the following areas will be affected.
On 10th February, 2024, the 132KV Nongalbibra-Rongkhon Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM for replacement of broken disc and jumper repairing at Loc 94, the areas to be affected are West, South West Garo Hills Districts and the 132KV Ampati-Phulbari D/C Tower Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for jungle cutting at Loc 24-27. The areas to be affected are Phulbari, Tikrikilla, Rajabala and Raksamgre areas.
On 17th February, 2024, the 132KV Ampati-Phulbari D/C Tower Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for jungle cutting at Loc 90-91. The areas to be affected are Phulbari, Tikrikilla, Rajabala and Raksamgre areas and the 132KV Nongalbibra-Rongkhon Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM for signature analysis. The areas to be affected are West, South West Garo Hills Districts.
On 24th February, 2024, 132KV Nongalbibra-Rongkhon Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM for replacement of broken disc and jumper repairing at Loc 130. The areas to be affected are West, South West Garo Hills Districts and the 132KV Ampati-Phulbari D/C Tower Line will be under shutdown from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for jungle cutting at Loc 61-62. The areas to be affected are Phulbari, Tikrikilla, Rajabala and Raksamgre areas.

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