Killing of fish & mining banned near rivers and stream in East Jaintia Hills

The District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District informed the general public that reports and complaints have been received from the 2- Shnong Environment Protection and Social Welfare Association of Tongseng and Lumtongseng Narpuh, East Jaintia Hills District that in the year, 2018, 2019, and 2020 there has been illegal destruction of the ecological balance in the rivers/ stream by some persons which caused rampant killing of fishes and aquatic life by poisoning and blasting on the river and streams. It has also been reported that there is illegal extraction of limestone and soil/ sand without any precautionary measures to protect the river/ streams which might cause danger for human consumption.
Furthermore, the 2-Shnong Environment Protection and Social Welfare Association of Tongseng and Lumtongseng Narpuh East Jaintia Hills District are trying their best to preserve the river/ stream and environment from time to time.
The District Magistrate also said that such illegal destruction of the ecological balance in the river streams by some persons which caused rampant killing of fishes and aquatic life and illegal extraction of limestone and sand/ soil should be stopped immediately if not prevented.
Therefore, the District Magistrate, East Jaintia Hills District, in an order Under Section 144 Cr.P.C, has prohibited poisoning and blasting of dynamite on the rivers, illegal extraction of limestone and soil/sand near streams and rivers, rampant killing of fishes in the rivers/ streams within the district, use of chemical/biological substances and destruction of the environment or any activity that could poison the river and bring danger to aquatic life, environment and human consumption under the following streams/ rivers that fall in the areas of the 2- Shnong Environment Protection and Social Welfare Association (Narpuh) which includes the Wah Chew Chew, Wah Sakha, Wah Umtalem, Wah Umtban, Wah Umkrung, Wah Umdaku, Wah Umbain, Wah Um Syiang, Wah Umriang, Wah Umbong, Wah Syntem, Wah Dohthli and Wah Lathad.
Anyone, if caught red handed by the village authorities involving in such illegal activities or found violating the above stipulated condition will be booked as per provision of the law. This order shall come into force with immediate effect until further order.

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