Jowai Garbage to be dump in exhaust coal mine in East Jaintia Hills

It what could be term ‘a blessing in disguise’ for the citizen of Jowai town, help came from an unexpected quarter when an owner of an abandoned mine offers his exhausted mine to be used as a temporary dumping ground for the waste generated from the town. An agreement has been inked between the land owner and the Jowai Municipal Board in the presence of the district administration on Wednesday.
Damewanhi Rymbai former Pressure group leader and now Assistant Waheh Chnong of Moolamylliang village East Jaintia hills, came to the rescue of the government and offer his 200 feet deep used coal mine for dumping of waste generated by the denizen of the town. Rymbai who is one of the main persons involved in promoting Moolamylliang as a model village said that he is offering his exhaust coal mine out of his compassion for the people of the town who are facing this the predicament. Rymbai is also a person who promotes clean and green and was happy that he could be of help, even if the arrangement is temporary.
In his opening remark Damewanhi Rymbai said that he was grateful to Dr. H.H. Mohrmen who has been part of this process from the beginning. It was through him that I was able to contact B. Blah CEO of Jowai Municipal Board.
When ask if the waste dumped in the mine would not have adverse impact on the village, Rymbai reiterated that it will not as the mine will be properly closed when it is filled. The agreement signed between the coal mine owner and the Jowai Municipal Board in the presence of the Deputy Commissioner West Jaintia hills at the DC’s Chamber, stated that the arrangement is only for one month only.
Dr H.H. Mohrmen who help initiating the process said that as a citizen of of the town he is grateful to Damiwanhi Rymbai and though the relief is temporary, it will be of great help for the citizen of the town.
The abandoned mine is located at the outskirt of Moolamylliang village in a place which known as Pymsymroe under Saipung C&RD Block.

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