JHADC Chief urges Govt to release Rs 50 cr as advance for clearing 12 months pending salaries of council’s staff

Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) chief Thombor Shiwat has sought the intervention of the deputy Chief minister Sniawbhalang Dhar for releasing Rs 50 crore as advance from royalty share on major and minor minerals in order to clear the pver 12 months pending salaries of MDCs, officers and staff of the council.
In a letter to Dhar, Shiwat has expressed appreciation for his prompt action to release an amount of Rs 13.80 crore from the Major Minerals to this council.
“In this connection, I would like to inform you that the amount release by the Government is not sufficient to clear the pending salary of its employees,” he said.
He informed that the salary of officers and staffs has been cleared till February 2024, whereas salary of all MDC’s, Pensioners and family pension holder have cleared till January 2024.
“So, the pending salary need to be clear by the Executive Committee are as follows:
1. The pending Salary of Officers and Staffs w.e.f. March 2024 to February 2025.
2. The pending salary of MDC’s, Pensioners and Family Pension holders w.e.f. February 2024 to February 2025,” he said.
“From the above fact, to enable the present Executive Committee to clear all the above mentioned pending salaries before the commencement of the MDC election 2025, on behalf of the Executive Committee with a humble request to kindly release an amount of Rs 50 Crore as an advance amount and to be adjusted from the share on major minerals, minor minerals and tax on motor vehicle collected during the year 2024-25,”Shiwat said.
“I therefore, have no way but to approach your high office with a request to kindly release the above mentioned advance amount as earliest as possible to enable this council to clear all the pending salary,” he stated in the letter.

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