HYC demands NEHU admin to give first preference to indigenous candidate for appointment of professors
The Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) has demanded that first preferences be given to local indigenous candidates for appointment to the post of Professors in the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU).
In a letter to the University’s Vice Chancellor on April 29, HYC general secretary Roykupar Synrem said that it has been brought to the notice of the Council that the process of recruitment/appointment of teachers for the post of professors and assistant professors are advancing and in progress.
“We put forward the demand that qualified members of the Khasi-Jaintia community who meet all the requirements be considered for recruitment and appontment as professors and assistant professors in various programmes and departments at NEHU,” he said.
According to the HYC, there are a significant number of highly qualified teachers for the posts of professors and assistant professors from the Khasi-Jaintia community.
“As such, the HYC would urge the NEHU administration to give preference or priority to our Khasi-Jaintia community,” Synrem said while threatening that the HYC will resort to democratic demonstration if the issue is neglected and taken lightly by the NEHU authority.
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