Containment Zone order withdrawn in Jowai locality

West Jaintia Hills District Magistrate Garod LSN Dykes has withdrawn a containment zone order which was placed in Loomsooiung Newhill, a locality in Jowai on Thursday after no new COVID-19 cases were detected in past few days.
The order issued was by Garod LSN Dykes on the request from Health & Family Welfare Department, West Jaintia Hills District to withdraw the order declaring the Loomsooiung Newhill under Ladthadlaboh Urban PHC as containment zone from 31 July from 6 AM until further orders.
“The contact tracing exercise conducted by the Contact Tracing teams have been completed in respect of the areas in Loomsooiung Newhill Jowai,” the order said.
However, the District Magistrate has directed all residents to follow SOPs and other Protocols already put in place or being put by Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of home Affairs, Government of India and prohibitory orders of the district magistrate.
The Village COVID-19 Management Committee in co-ordination with the District Administration and District Police will ensure strict compliance to the advisories of Health and family Welfare Department to mandatory wearing of Face masks and Social Distancing in Public places by the residents and general public.
To Cooperate with the arrangement made by the District Administration, District Police and Village Authority.

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