Containment order lifted from Laitkor Nongdaneng, Laitkor Rngi & Mawpat
Based on contact tracing status, test and reports received thereof of high risk contacts in Laikor Nongdaneng and Laitkor Rngi, the District Magistrate, East Khasi Hills District in an order lifted the containment order in the following areas.
This include the houses and premises of Smt Kledis Mawrie, Smt Wandalin Lyngdoh and Shri Jokistar Kharkongor at Dong Lad Demthring, Laitkor Nongdaneng, house and premise of Smti Risuklin Kharumnuid at Dong Mawlong, Laitkor Nongdaneng, area from the house of Smt Biola Mawrie upto the house of Smt Kwini Mawrie and house of Smt Persilina Mawrie at Dong Nongmadan, Laitkor Rngi has been lifted with effect from 9th August, 2020.
The District Magistrate, East Khasi Hills also order lifted the containment order for the buildings of Kristina Kharkongor, Pangsngiat Syiem, Armillian Syiem and Syrpailin Kharir, Circle I, Mawpat and the buildings of Baleisha Pyngrope and Pulsylinda Marbaniang, Circle III, Mawpat with effect from 9th August 2020.

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