Conserve indigenous crops with high nutritive value highlighted

The office of KVK Jaintia Hills in collaboration with the District Programme Office, ICDS Cell, West Jaintia Hills celebrated POSHAN MAAH on the 17th September 2020 to stress on the Prime Minister overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition at Bishop’s House, Lumbihsyntu, Jowai. The inaugural session was Chaired by Dr. R. Suchiang, SMS AH & Veterinary
Shri. B Chyrmang, MDC Jowai North Constituency graced the inaugural session as the Chief Guest. During his inaugural speech, the Chief Guest encouraged the participants to be proactive and work hard as front liners. He also acknowledges the initiatives taken by the Central Government and emphasize on the need of all line departments to converge and work in tandem for the success of the mission.
Others who spoke at the occasion include Dr. D Pasweth, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK Jaintia Hills who welcomed the members and delivered the keynote address.
Smti. R Blah, District Horticulture Officer, WJHD stressed on the importance of conserving indigenous crops with high nutritive value and also encouraged the participants to adopt kitchen gardens for improved health benefits.
Shri. D Pyrbot, District Agriculture Officer, WJHD reminded on the importance of healthy food.
Smti. V Blah, DPO, ICDS Cell, WJHD stressed on the problems of malnutrition among children, pregnant and lactating mothers she also emphasized on the important of POSHAN MAAH and express hope that such programme will address the problem of Malnutrition.
A technical session aiming at capacity development of Anganwadi Workers & Farm Women on three broad areas was also held alongside. The broad thematic areas during the programme include Nutri Thali delivered by Smti. D Iakai, CDPO Laskein, ICDS Project. A talk on Models of Nutri garden and Package of Practices of vegetables & horticultural crops was given by Smti. B Kharbamon, SMS Horticulture, KVK Jaintia Hills and on bio-fortified crop varieties in nutrition by Smti. R Lyngdoh, SMS Agronomy, KVK Jaintia Hills.
Altogether, 80 participants attended the programme which includes Farm women and Anganwadi workers besides the officials of the organizing departments.
The programme ended with a vote of thanks from Smti. A Dympep, SMS Extension, KVK Jaintia Hills

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